i wrote a song

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


All of us are in a constant chase to create the unique us, however all we talk each day is how i can be what my competition is or how i can be how some rich/beautiful/intelligent person is...Why are we such hypocrites. We have an identity of our own and we then try to cover it up with lots of societal BS....Why why

Society on the whole is so judgmental. It starts right from your infant days...Your parents, then your teachers, they the worst of all the corporate world.

And then we preach to be unique..............I sometimes envy the wild...They are free........Living their lives of instincts...Chasing what they feel that day....They may live a short life or a life less worthwhile according to us but hey they live what they want to live

Saturday, January 9, 2010

I Wrote A Song

A little boy
He wrote A Song
A little boy
Who Never Sung

A little boy
He never said
To anyone
What He wrote & felt

A little boy
How he could explain
If He sung that song
He would die instant

That little boy
He wrote that song
to live instead

The Pain was strong
He could not bear
He had to write
and never try

If he sung that song
The pain would grow
If he sung that song
He would be no more

That little boy
Kept writing
He was so happy
He started to sing

Oh My God
He never knew
The Pain of Words
That killed him there

His eyes open & body dead
He watched from above

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Knowledge is a funny thing. Its never enough. We keep learning all our lives and suddenly one day someone may still say something that you don't know and you are like 'huh' what is that and get into researching about that too.

Knowledge is critical. Knowledge is essential. We all know the quest for knowledge never ends yet when someone is trying to give a feedback or share something we land up saying ' I know it all, please don't teach me', isn't that interesting

With technology knowledge is so easily available and that also add to the pressure of seeking new what others may not know.

How is that we can create or uniqueness is not by knowing what the world knows but by creating a niche and how is that we can create niche is by possessing infinite knowledge about that particular subject....Its not about knowing everything... Its about understanding many thing but being best at ONE thing

What is that ONE thing that you are better than anyone else? what is it.....

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Being of dust
Being in dust
The gap is what life consists

Being Alive
or feeling death
Not really a state
but a fact of the soul

Lonely are many
Happy are many
Yet lone finds a lone
and happiness seeks happiness

So weird it is
that man can't understand
that to live or to be dead
is the choice at hand

Monday, April 27, 2009


Meetings & Seatings
Chatting & Beatings
All of this is corporate my love
With figures & numbers ready to shove

Great as it looks
good for the books
yet it needs fresh air
it needs outward care

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The cRowDEd ME

We all hate crowd, we all want to avoid crowd and somewhere yet we make the crowd... We want the crowd...If we are having a wedding...we wait till the crowd assembles...We go clubbing...We want to check out the crowd...We want to go to the restaurant where there is some crowd... So what do we really want to be when it comes to crowd...
I know most of us would say 'hey Linz we want crowd but we don't like it overcrowded.' Well then why is that we roam each day with our minds overcrowded with our thoughts...why is that we work each day with our emotions overcrowding us...Why is that there is a day when you want to be lost in an overcrowded street...Why...
Many of us say I hate the 'herd mentality' yet we want to follow it...So what do we really want...Where do we really stand...Why do i want to be different yet a part of the crowd...
Do we really have the courage to wake up each day and move out of our crowded lives to breath the air of our true self calling...Am I ready for that...Am I...